Tuesday 20 September 2011

I believe Im a special breed of man, one that's unique in all his attributes... one that hates authority...
No, not that kind of authority, I mean being in charge. I loathe being in charge.. I believe this preposterous disease should have a name. I belive ignorance certainly doesnt it justice.
as I write this, I'm being asked where money will come from? I'm young people! how hard does it take for such a small fact to sink in?
where do people get the guts to command so much authority and not completly lose their minds?
good question steve... now where can I get an answer coz my days are numbered.
you, yes you are the reason I'm still living. I so wonder what would happen if I didn't have you, my mom, the other reason I had for living passed away some time back.
Me being the brains behind the family, a couple of sheep not able to calculate the simplest of sums... a story for another day...
let me lay my anger to rest here. have an awesome nite all.
this might be the worst of blogs I have written but I wanted this and apparently I have authority only here...

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